Since early childhood I've been in love with Star Trek and I was really looking forward to the new Star Trek movies as well as the series Discovery when they were announced.
Thinking back, I just have realized it's already been 25 years since I first watched Star Trek TOS - and fell in love with it.
My sister and I always watched it in secret on early Sunday mornings while our parents where still asleep 😂 (They would've never allowed us to watch, since we where still so young back then! Woa, I remember, I was so happy when I finally reached the age of 12 and was officially allowed to watch the movies and there was no need of hiding my love anymore 😇)
Star Trek was also the reason why I wanted to become an astronaut as a child ... I loved space, and I wanted to be close to this world and idea I longed for. I wanted to be part of this "future".
It was kinda devastating to find out I would never be able to achieve this dream because at some point in my childhood I had to start wearing glasses. I wonder what would've become of me if there hadn't been this stupid glasses. Would I be out there somewhere living my dream? Then again, I would've never met my husband 😨
I guess it really influenced my way of thinking and seeing the world - in a positive way. But at the same time it made me really sad, because I would never be able to see it to become true. Then again - as a child - I somewhat believed I might still be around when the first aliens would come to earth (like the Vulcans, when they made first contact in 2063) - I looked forward to it. Ahhh, the fantasies of a child 😆
I always wanted to live by the Vulcan code of "infinite diversity in infinite combinations", which isn't a religion as some people seem to think, it's a way of life, a philosophy. It's an idea based on learning to accept our differences as well as learning to see our similarities. It means accepting other forms of life, other cultures, beliefs (and so on). Star Trek is tolenance. It teaches tolearance, meaning that being different doesn't make you "lesser" or someone else "better".
And again, this wasn't what I wanted to write about 😳
Recently, after finally obtaining a Netflix sub, I started to watch this series I was longing for for so long: Star Trek Discovery
So far, it's quite the disappointment ... 😔
It is so NOT Star Trek like 😭 where is this feeling all Star Trek series were emitting? Even after watching through half the series' first season, I can still not like Discovery as a Star Trek series, but think of it more as a normal SciFi series that simply "borrows" the Star Trek name (and this sucks). It just feels like it's been adapted to suit todays taste of action, disregarding the true meaning of Star Trek. I miss the philosophic aspects ...
So - right now - instead of continuing Discovery (though, I am curious how it continues ...), I've started to re-watch Enterprise (probably followed by all the other series 😍)
I have to admit, I am really concerned about the new Star Trek series that are talked about these days - still, I am curious what's about to come, because I simply love Star Trek and its idea. The world would become such a better, peaceful place if we were to learn to be delighted with what we are. I hope these new series will come back to that idea ...
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