Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2012

I am soooo sorry :(

Waaah, it has been weeks (OMG, even months O_O) since I last posted anything!

I don´t know what´s wrong with me lately, but I haven´t been able to draw or even write. It feels as if my muse is on holiday or even left me completely. I don´t know how to leave that deep dark hole TT__TT
Is this called depression?
There´s so much I wanna do, but when I find the time I don´t want to do it anymore ...
Sometimes I just wanna leave everything behind me, stop thinking about anything artistic like writing and drawing and just concentrate on work. Living a simple life without any surprises, but then again I find myself thinking about those exact points I wanted to leave behind and I realise it would kill my soul to do so ...

I am currently (trying to) revising my homepage. New design, new content, etc.
But again I am too lethargic to get to a point where I like it completely.

My honey always says it´s due to the things that happend at the beginning of this year. Maybe he´s right ... Could be ... most of the "unable to write and draw" started there, I think. Sadly I am not allowed to talk about that in the open due to some stupid people. Graaa, I hate them -.-

I hope the sun comes out today, it makes me feel much better and energetic. Right now it´s really dull and foggy (high fog, I hope!) and cold at that! I want summer back, lol.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ohje :( ich hoffe dass du deine Muse schnell wieder findest! Hasse es sehr wenn sowas passiert und man liest so oft davon. :( Selbst bin ich auch schon einige Male in diesen kreativen Löchern gehangen. :(
    Lasse dir liebe Grüße da ♥

    1. Das is so schlimm, wenn man in so nem Loch is x_X
      Wie schaffst du es denn, dich da wieder loszureißen von? >_<
